Sonar: Hydrophone, Underwater Transducer.

BENTHOWAVE INSTRUMENT INC. Acoustic Transducer & System 

Omnidirectional Spherical Transducer

Omnidirectional TransducerSpherical TransducerOmnidirectional TransducerSpherical TransducerSpherical TransducerOmnidirectional TransducerSpherical TransducerSpherical TransducerOmnidirectional Spherical Transducer

BII7520 Omnidirectional Spherical Transducer

BII7520 series spherical transducers ranging from 2 to 300kHz provide omnidirectional directivity response and broadband response.

Typical Applications  
Remote Control, Telemetry, Drifting Array
Artificial Acoustic Target, Echo-Repeater
Acoustic Deterrent to Marine Animals
Playback Marine Animal Voices/Calls/Whistles/Songs/Clicks
Underwater Acoustic Network, Spherical Point Source
Diver Communication, Underwater Telephone
Pinger/Tag/Locator/Transponder/Beacon/Acoustic Release
Marine Animal Behavior Research, Bioacoustic Stimuli
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Acoustic Transducers and Measurement Systems: Installation/Mounting, Ordering, Wiring, Array & Aperture Design and much more.


Transducer fs (kHz) TVR (dB µPa/V@1m) FFVS (dB V/µPa) Qm Depth Rating Document
BII7520-15 15 147.0 -195.6 3 200m Datasheet
BII7521 22 150.0 -191.6 4.4 300m Datasheet
BII7522 28 152.0 -196.4 3 to 6 500m Datasheet
BII7523 35 150.0 -193.5 2.5 400m Datasheet
BII7524 50 149.0 -199.2 3.8 & 2.8 460m Datasheet
BII7525 60 147.0, 151.6 -202.5, 206.0 3.6, 4.5  500, 300m Datasheet
BII7526 75 147.0 -202.4 4.0 600m Datasheet
BII7527 90 147.0 -205.8 4.2 600m Datasheet
BII7528 130 143.0 -208.0 3.5 700m Datasheet
BII7529 170 137.0 -212.0 3.0 800m Datasheet
BII7003 330 145.0 -211.0 4.0 400m Datasheet

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