Sonar: Hydrophone, Underwater Transducer.

BENTHOWAVE INSTRUMENT INC. Acoustic Transducer & System 

AGC (Automatic Gain Control) Amplifier

BII2000 Series AGC (Automatic Gain Control) Amplifiers: 100dB Dynamic Gain Range, 100Hz to 1MHz Bandwidth.  

BII’s Automatic Gain Control (AGC) amplifier is a dynamic adaptive electronic system whose gain changes automatically with input levels of continuous waveform (CW) or pulsed signals such as SINE pulses, Chirp/FM pulses, BFSK/FSK, etc.  Its output signal level is always in detectable range for DAQ modules (A/D Converters) although the input signal levels vary in a wide range. That is, the AGC effectively attenuates the strong input signals to avoid saturation and amplifies weak signal to be in the range of Volt. BII AGCs are necessary components in acoustic systems to automatically compensate the propagation losses in water, air, and solids.

AGC AmplifierAGC amplifier

Typical Applications
Underwater Communication/Pinger/Beacons/Transponder. Echosounding, Marine Mammal Research, Bioacoustics. Doppler SONAR, Speed Measurement. Acoustic Modem, FSK Signal Conditioning. Navigation, Positioning, Acoustic Tag. Ultrasonic Pulsing System, NDT, AE, Diagnostic Ultrasound.
Related Product
BII1000 Preamplifier Hydrophone, Acoustic Sensor, NDT Transducer.
AGC Amplifier Datasheet for detailed information.

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