Sonar: Hydrophone, Underwater Transducer.

BENTHOWAVE INSTRUMENT INC. Acoustic Transducer & System 

Omnidirectional Spherical Hydrophone

Omnidirectional Spherical Hydrophone

BII7000 Series Omnidirectional Spherical Hydrophone

BII's spherical hydrophones provide omnidirectional responses up to 700kHz, and offer excellent acoustic characteristics of low noise and durability, which make these hydrophones ideal for a wide range of oceanography applications. Bespoke built-in preamplifiers allow the hydrophones to be used with long extension cables with no loss in sensitivity. The customized built-in filters increase Signal-to-Noise Ratio, reject unwanted noise and avoid saturation.

Typical Applications  
Sonobuoy, Dipping Hydrophone.
LBL, SBL, USBL Positioning.
Parabolic Antennas Underwater.
Reference Hydrophone, Noise Measurement.
Detection of Ultrasonic Cavitation Noise, Thermoacoustics in Gas.
Passive Acoustic Monitoring (PAM System).
Array Element, Vector Hydrophone Element.
Marine Bioacoustics, Phantom-power Hydrophone, Sound Recording.
Related Products  
BII1000 Hydrophone Preamplifier. BII7010 Low Noise Broadband Hydrophone, Low Cost.
BII7040 Hemispherical Hydrophone. BII7120 Low Noise Hydrophone: Below Sea-state Zero.
Acoustic Transducers and Measurement Systems: Installation/Mounting, Ordering, Wiring, Array & Aperture Design and much more.


Omnidirectional Spherical Hydrophone
Hydrophone Sensitivity, dBV/µPa. Usable Frequency  Depth Rating No Preamp Built-in Preamp
BII7001 Series -196 + Preamp Gain 0.3Hz to 180kHz 900m Datasheet Datasheet
BII7002 Series -190 + Preamp Gain & Low Noise 0.1Hz to 80kHz 400m Datasheet Datasheet
BII7003 Series -211 + Preamp Gain 1.0Hz to 560kHz 400m Datasheet N/A
BII7005 Series -205 + Preamp Gain 1.6Hz to 400kHz 500m Datasheet Datasheet
BII7006 Series -215 + Preamp Gain 1.0Hz to 600kHz 400m Datasheet N/A

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