Sonar: Hydrophone, Underwater Transducer.

BENTHOWAVE INSTRUMENT INC. Acoustic Transducer & System 

Miniature Probe Hydrophone & AE Sensor

Miniature Probe Hydrophone and AE Sensor

BII7180 Series Miniature Probe Hydrophone and AE Sensor: Φ1.0 to Φ3.0mm Aperture

Underwater Sounds: BII7180 series are miniature hydrophones with small aperture size and usable up to 3 MHz. Conical and omnidirectional directivity patterns are available. Multiple miniature probe hydrophones can be configured as a vector hydrophone (vector sensor) or array for uses in extraction of directional information (source location), measurement of particle velocity, particle acceleration and pressure gradient.
The probe hydrophones are practical and handy tools for research and application of Helmholtz Integral Equation in underwater acoustics and for the measurement of pressure or intensity distribution of near-field and far-field radiated from vibrational and acoustical sound sources underwater.
NDT in Solids
: receiving audible and ultrasonic sounds, acoustic emission (AE), structural health monitoring (SHM), metallurgical properties of metals, etc... The couplant such as water or gel is a must-have material to provide efficient acoustic coupling between the receiving face of the hydrophone and the piece under test (the subject). The hydrophones can be glued on or inside subject permanently with adhesives such as epoxy.
NDT in Fluids: uses in waterlike and airlike fluids for the analysis of their macroscopic and microscopic, physical and chemical properties.

Typical Applications  
Study of Acoustic Radiation Field. General Purpose Hydrophone, Reference Hydrophone, Near-field Calibration.
Ultrasonic Testing and Analysis, Thermoacoustic Tomography. Acoustic Emission (AE), NDT, Structural Health Monitoring (SHM).
Helmholtz Integral in Acoustics, Boundary Element Acoustics. Trouble-shooting, Maintenance and Development of Transducers and Array.
Vector Hydrophones/Array Elements. High Sound Level Measurement (Warning: Cavitation will damage hydrophone).
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BII7230 AE Sensor: Acoustic Emission Testing BII7070 Directional Hydrophone (Acoustic Sensor)
Acoustic Transducers and Measurement Systems: Installation/Mounting, Ordering, Wiring, Array & Aperture Design and much more.
Miniature Probe Hydrophone and AE sensor Φ1.0 to Φ3.0mm Aperture
Hydrophone Sensitivity, dB V/μPa Frequency Range Directivity Pattern Aperture Size No Preamp Built-in Preamp
BII7181 -224 5Hz to 1.3MHz Omnidirectional and Toroidal Φ2.5x2.2 Datasheet N/A
BII7182 -231 5Hz to 1.6MHz Omnidirectional and Toroidal Φ1.5x1.5 Datasheet N/A
BII7184 -210+Preamp Gain 26Hz to 3.5MHz Conical Φ3.0 mm Datasheet Datasheet
BII7185 -250+Preamp Gain 320Hz to 2MHz Conical Φ1.0 mm Datasheet Datasheet
BII7189 -210+Preamp Gain 150Hz to 0.7MHz Conical Φ1.8 mm N/A Datasheet

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